Patient Questions
What is an allograft?
One of the treatment options available to the attending surgeon is the use of a tissue transplant called allograft. Allografts are specially processed human tissue donated for the express purpose of being transplanted to benefit the health of another person.
What are the risks of using an allograft?
The Rocky Mountain Tissue Bank makes every effort to ensure that each allograft is as safe and risk-free as possible. Extensive medical screening of all donated tissue is done. All medical testing recommended by the FDA and American Association of Tissue Banks, (AATB), is performed on each graft. All tests must be negative before the tissues are released for transplant. There has never been a reported case of infectious disease transmission from an allograft that was processed using the procedure followed by the Rocky Mountain Tissue Bank.
What are the benefits of using an allograft?
Allograft are used to repair or replace tissues lost to disease, trauma, or congenital defects. The use of an allograft eliminates the need for a second surgery site to recover an autograft, which is a graft taken from the recipient. This reduces the potential for complications arising from the additional surgery, which include increased blood loss, in creased pain, and a longer recovery time. In many cases, only an allograft will provide sufficient human tissue to allow for the successful surgical treatment of the existing medical condition.
Our Sterilization Policy
All allograft are to be aseptically procured and surgically removed in an aseptic environment. Before final processing, the allograft is preserved at –70 degrees Centigrade. Once processed, allograft remain in a frozen state until they are irradiated from a Cobalt 60 source with between 2.5 and 3.8 Megarads of irradiation.
• RMTB irradiation protocol exceeds our validated Sterility Assurance Level of 1.9 Megarads of irradiation.
• The current American Association of Tissue Banks recommendation for irradiation sterilization is 1.5 Megarads or greater. (D2.500)
• Written verification that the sterilization parameters have been achieved is to be maintained in the donor file. (D2.500)
• Written verification of the sterility cultures for each donor are to be maintained in the donor file. (B2.151)
Where does the allograft come from?
Rocky Mountain Tissue Bank utilizes the Cancellous Bone and Marrow from the vertebra. The vertebra is the richest source of bone marrow throughout an individual’s lifetime.